But they will work offsite…

[Phone rings] Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I’m bringin’ in some contractors, and they can’t possibly be a liability.” Ann (wonders what planet this guy came from, swallows her bran muffin): “Do tell.” Customer: “They’re gonna work offsite. They can’t take a swing at my customers and they can’t steal from their co-workers….

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But they won’t be here long…

[Phone rings] Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I have this real short-term project, and I’m gonna pick up some contractors, just for this one deal.” Ann (takes a large swallow of kale juice): “How many of your daughter’s college roommates are you going to hire?” Customer: “HEY—how did you know. . .” Ann…

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But they came highly recommended…

[Phone rings] Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I have this real high-end project, and I’m gonna pick up some contractors for this deal.” Ann (wonders if Phillip Marlow got his start this way): “Wow. Sounds fancy!” Customer: “Darn tootin’! And if this job works out for this customer, I expect there will be…

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But they aren’t my employees…

[Phone rings] Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “So, I gotta guy. . .actually, several guys. . .” Ann (pours yesterday’s coffee into cup, microwaves for a minute): “Mmmmm-hmmmmm.” Customer: “They don’t, per se, work for me. They’re independent contractors.” Ann (smells coffee, decides it’s good enough for a Tuesday): “Mmmmm-hmmmmm.” Customer: “So, I…

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Hiring employees in today’s world can be challenging in many ways. With these simple tips and guidelines, you can learn how to avoid toxic workers in a #MeToo, High-Tech, Active Shooter, Headlines, Juries and Ban the Box world.
