If you believe that your background check has incorrect or incomplete information, you have the right under federal law to dispute it, and Cutting Edge Background Investigations has trained specialists who are ready and willing to help you through the process. To initiate a dispute, you may call 833-4-Checks and ask to speak with a Dispute Specialist, or you can send an email with your contact information to Support@CEBackgroundChecks.com and we will reach out to you. Your rights and the accuracy of our reports are of utmost importance to us.
For Consumers
If you feel information has been reported inaccurately about you in a Cutting Edge Background Investigations Report, you can initiate a dispute by calling Cutting Edge Customer Service at 833-424-3247.
The full dispute process can take up to 30 days to complete. It is imperative that all supporting documentation and information is provided to Cutting Edge Background Investigations in a timely manner, to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
For Clients
Cutting Edge Background Investigations requires all clients to understand and follow the adverse action process outlined in the FCRA. You will be contacted if a dispute has been initiated with Cutting Edge Background Investigations by an employee or applicant of your company/organization. Cutting Edge will work with the employee/applicant to obtain necessary information and documentation to resolve the disputed information. Once resolved, you will be notified again by Cutting Edge Background Investigations with the resolution information.