Speed can literally kill. Why you need to check driving records.

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer (sounding cheeky): “I get that in July your blogs are all about speed.” Ann (looks at her well-worn track shoes she wears to zip around the office): “Everyone wants their background checks quickly. In today’s market, you can lose a great candidate if your background screening company isn’t…

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Wisdom from Yogi Berra as it applies to background checks (stay with me here)

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “You know who I miss?  Yogi Berra.  I bet he would have had something to say about your background checks.” Ann: “Yogi Berra?” Customer: “You know—he was a great catcher, coach and manager, played mostly for the Yankees.” Ann: “Well, yeah, I know who Yogi Berra is.  But…

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Perspective is Subjective – Facts Are Not

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I make my decisions with my gut.  I can look at an applicant and know if they are bullsquacking me.” Ann (raises eyebrows): “Bullsquacking? Customer: “I’m keeping it clean for the kids that no doubt read your blog.” Ann: “Ah (thinks fondly of her legions of fans). So,…

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Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.” Customer: “I heard you took in an Angel’s game this weekend.” Ann (tosses baseball cap onto the hatrack): “We did! (Hums “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”) Would you like to know what I saw that reminds me that baseball and background checks are so similar? Customer: “I cannot…

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“Ban-the-Box” Law Comes to New Mexico

On April 3, 2019, Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham signed the “Criminal Offender Employment Act” into law. What this law means: New Mexico is the latest state to adopt statewide legislation prohibiting private employers from making inquiries into an applicant’s criminal history on the initial employment application. The state also enacted legislation prohibiting employers from asking applicants…

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Hiring employees in today’s world can be challenging in many ways. With these simple tips and guidelines, you can learn how to avoid toxic workers in a #MeToo, High-Tech, Active Shooter, Headlines, Juries and Ban the Box world.
