Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.”
Customer: “It seems like a lot of trouble to verify education. I’m just going to have applicants bring in their diploma or transcript.”
Ann (been down this road): “Mmmmmm hmmmmmm. Ever heard of Adobe? Or cut-and-paste?”
Customer: “You are really suspicious.”
Ann (wonders why the mail is late. Could the postal worker have been abducted?): “That’s what you pay me for.”
Fraudulent diplomas have been around almost as long as educational institutions have been established.
And I’ve seen more than my share of fraudulent diplomas. If your open position requires a specific level of education, be sure you are getting proper verification. While, it’s great if your applicant volunteers to bring in their diploma, you may want to use that as the sole level of verification. If the registrar of the school can’t find the graduation records in questions, our team can forward the submitted diploma and ask the registrar to take a second look.
Degrees are easy enough to verify (and falsify). See my previous blog for the easy steps to follow the get the information straight from the institution. If it’s important, don’t take chance on a fraudulent diploma.