[Phone rings]
Ann: “Cutting Edge, this is Ann.”
Customer (calling from under his desk, tin-foil hat firmly in place): “Is it safe to come out?”
Ann (brushes cheez doodle dust of her jeans): “No, but things are definitely improving in the world of background checks.”
Customer (loosens chin strap on tin-foil hat): “That’s great! Fill me in!”
Ann (takes a swig o cold coffee): “You asked for it.”
Things are improving—that’s true. New Jersey courts were closed in their entirety for months, and they developed an online work-around that has data flowing again.
A lot of courts are still closed to the public—courts in Alabama, Arkansas, some jurisdictions in California remain closed, Connecticut, Delaware, certain jurisdictions in Florida and Georgia. Cook County, Illinois has begun allowing strict appointments for research, we see continuing delays. You get the picture.
But—work-arounds have been developed in many jurisdictions to keep information flowing. I am amazed at the ingenuity of our searchers and the courts themselves to keep things moving even in the middle of a pandemic.
So, is it safe to come out? Not quite yet. Not like it used to be – but we are figuring it out, how to get information moving. It may be a while, quite a while, before things are back to “normal”. No one really knows when that may happen, but what we do know is that businesses are still moving forward and they still need information. We are just more creative (and persistent) in how we get are getting it and how we are sharing it.
We can get information moving for you, too. Call (714) 587-9166 or email Ann@CEBackgroundChecks.com.